Wanna look fabulous like our celebs?
Pre-Order for BOYFRIEND BLAZERS. Place your order now before June 23, 2011!
Original Price: RM 65 + RM6 - rm10 (PosLaju Postage) = RM66 - rm76 per unit! BUT . . .With our new Promotion, you can get it at ONLY RM55 + FREE Postage! YES! You heard it right, ONLY RM55 + FREE POSTAGE! YOU CAN SAVE UP TO RM16 - RM20!
To get this awesome deal, you need to follow this easy 3 steps!
'Like' our FB Page. (Click here to go directly to our FB page)
Place your order by filling up this particulars and send it to martazc.daretowear@gmail.com
Once you are confirmed with your choice, send us an email of your particulars as below:
(Send to martazc.daretowear@gmail.com)
H/P No: (optional)
Email address:
Methods of delivery: (by MAIL) or (COD: depending on owner's availability, time and place)
Delivery address:
(Write the item code, color, sizes, quantity)
(Example: PO-BB0001, Black, S, 1 piece)
We will make a gentle follow up on the payment through email or facebook.
(Payment should be made within 3 days upon ordering)
Promote our page OR blogspot (martazc.dare-to-wear.blogspot.com) to a minimum 10 of your friends.
Then, email us at martazc.daretowear@gmaiil.com the name of your friends (Facebook nickname)
Once ALL your friends have 'Liked' our page, we will inform you that you will get our SPECIAL PROMOTION PRICE!!
REMEMBER! This promotion ONLY valid till Thursday, 23rd June 2011.
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Have a rock chic look
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Sweet girl look
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They are rocking out the style! BOYFRIEND BLAZERS IS IT!
Martaz C. dare-to-wear
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